Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine Mice

During our circle time, we are reading the book "Valentine's Mice" by Bethany Roberts.

It's a cute book about mice delivering valentine's cards to the other animals in the forest, when all of the sudden, one gets lost. There are some rhyming words and some fun words--throw! skip! slide! hop! We kept the kids' attention by acting some of the words out.

We followed up on reading the book by making our own Valentine Mice!
This activity was inspired by the Folded Heart Mouse Craft from DLTK.

Vocabulary-  hearts, cards
Basic concepts- half, whole, middle; big, little

First, we gathered our materials- a large heart, a smaller heart, a piece for the ear, a googly eye, a pompom nose, yarn for the tail and some glue.
When the students requested their hearts ("I want a heart"), they were given a whole heart. When they folded it, it was a half of a heart. Whole/Half concepts FTW!
The other fun concepts we got to talk about were big and little, as both were needed for our mice.

Next, we put some glue onto the little heart to make the head and glued it next to the big heart, making the body.

Next, we added an ear, an eye and a nose, with the students requesting each piece as we went along ("I want an ear," "I want an eye," "I want a nose"), giving them practice with using their words.

  Last, we put some glue in the middle of the big heart and added our mouse's tail.

The students could also make a pink mouse if they wanted to :)

  And, once they dry, we can deliver our own Valentines and Flip! Slip! and Glide!

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. Great idea to go along with a great Valentine's book!

  2. Very cute! We love the book "Valentine Mice" !
