The summer sale is coming!!!!!
Some discontinued products are coming back!
More info coming very soon!!
(562) 685-1529

Just as a reminder, my day job is in a preschool classroom for children who have delays in speech and language skills.
Part of my job is to work on building my students' vocabulary skills. I do this through teaching new words in categories--this way, the kids can take the new words and put them in their "filing cabinet" under the right category. They continue to build on the vocabulary they know with words in the same category.
Another part of my job is to teach basic concepts that preschoolers should know, including colors, numbers, letters, etc.
So, what's a cool way to teach both these concepts within a vocabulary theme?:
Yesterday, I worked the Discovery Toys booth at the L.A. Times Festival of Books. It was so much fun! I met a lot of great people and was able to show off some amazing toys. It was fun to talk with other people about Discovery Toys products.
Then, today I had my first in home demonstration. It was a small but fun show!! It helped me remember why I wanted to join Discovery Toys. I hope more people want to have shows really soon because it really was a lot of fun :) Thanks to the lovely ladies who attended and to Lorraine for being a fabulous and generous hostess. (By the way, she got some Think it Through products for FREE!).
Be sure to visit my website here!
See this picture here?
It has 3 of my favorite things...Pearl Jam, HAMMER AWAY! from Discovery Toys, and my beautiful daughter, Rachel!!
As much as I love some good music and my little girl, this blog is about the HAMMER AWAY!
HAMMER AWAY! is a cause and effect toy perfect for little ones from age 18 months and up. It develops motor skills and hand-eye coordination as your little one either pushes or hits balls with a hammer through the boat. It also teaches object permanence (the understanding that objects continue to exist even when they cannot be seen, heard, or touched) as the balls disappear and then reappear! HAMMER AWAY! also teaches colors and you can work on developing your child's cognitive skills through color matching.
But, how can you use HAMMER AWAY! to enhance language skills?
~~Give your child the boat, but hold on to the balls---they have to request the balls before they can have it ("I want ball" or "I want red").
~~As your child pushes or hits the balls, model for them "through!" to teach this preposition. After a while, ask them "where is the ball going?" and wait for them to say "through!"
~~Teach the concept of "more" by having them request "more" balls or have them let you know they want to do it again.
~~With older children, use HAMMER AWAY! to work on story re-tell. After they tell each part of the story (like the characters, setting, problem or resolution), they get to hit a ball down!
HAMMER AWAY! is available for your child here for $28.00!
Don't forget to contact me with questions about HAMMER AWAY! , if you want to host a party or if you are interested in playing with toys for some extra money!!
I have just started my business as an Educational Consultant with DISCOVERY TOYS!
I am very excited about it! I love toys and am always drawn to toy stores. When I saw the Discovery Toys booth at the California Speech-Language-Hearing Association, I thought that I should have my own toy store!!
I use toys with my speech and language students, both as ways to enhance their speech and language skills and as reinforcement for their hard work. I am also always looking for fun toys to play with with my daughter.
Play is the work of children! Discovery Toys products are specifically designed to enhance your child's overall development--satisfaction guaranteed!! Ask me about it.
This blog is going to be used to help you select the right toy for your child to encourage speech and language development.
Come play with me!!
What's happening in my preschool classroom for children with speech and language disorders? Find out here!